martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

Innovative Education & International Library School Weekend Seminar to be held at the Dominican Republic

During the weekend of October 29 – 30, Mrs. Cindy Jiménez, the Elementary School Librarian at Baldwin School of Puerto Rico, for the past 9 years, will be speaking at the Innovative Education & International Library School Weekend Seminar to be held at the Dominican Republic. She will specifically participate in the "Development of the School Library in Puerto Rico: A Successful Tale" Conference.
This weekend seminar is part of a local effort on behalf of the Technologic Institute of Santo Domingo and its "Programa de Evaluación, Acompañamiento y Formación Educativa (PREPINTEC) along with the Emilio Rodríguez Demorizi Library to strengthen the role of the school library system as an important element in the education of every child in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Mrs. Jiménez, who completed her Masters in Library Information Science this past June, regards this opportunity as one of great importance "because it validates all the efforts and energy spent at the Baldwin School elementary library throughout the years. It is also a great opportunity to grow as a professional, the same way that I have grown since I first came to Baldwin School. It is a wonderful opportunity that I have to learn new ways of bringing access to information closer to every student, teacher, parent, and staff member. "

1 comentario:

Prof. Jeanette Delgado dijo...

Saludos Te Felicito por tu blog. Es un excelente recurso.
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Hasta pronto.... Jeanette Delgado